May 10, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

This award was sent to me by Martina - thank you, I really appreciate it! I have met Martina a few times and I always enjoy her company and also admire her art! Thank you Martina

The Rules:List 7 things that you LOVE
Link to the person who has tagged you
Choose 7 more bloggers to give the Kreativ Blogger Award to
Comment on those 7 blogs to let the recipients know you chose them

OK - 7 things that I love:

1. My husband who always supports me with everything I do
2. My children - they have taught me so much and I love everything about them
3. My family - I am so grateful to both my parents and my In-laws in my life
4. My friends - I could not get by without them, we laugh, we cry and we share so much
5. My art - without this not sure what would keep me sane
6. My love of reading
7. My life - very happy with how things have turned out, could not have wished for any more!

I award the following people the Kreativ Blogger Award:

1. Margaret Rodgers- A wonderful kind hearted lady from the USA who I know thru a few on-line groups, we have exchanged quite a few swaps and even more emails - Thank you Margaret for being a great friend!

2. Adrienne Goodenough- Adrienne who creates wonderful art and her friendship means alot to me - I am glad to have her in my life and I love to visit her blog - thanks for all the swaps all the way from the UK!

3. Carol Sweeney - from the USA, this lady is amazing - her detail for instruction is fantastic, her blog is one of my favourites. I have known Carol for sometime thru various on-line groups and just love receiving her art - Thank you Carol for all that you share!

4. Rena Sawatski - who is from Canada, love receiving swaps from this lady - also know her on a few different on-line groups - I am so happy to be giving her this award!

5. Debbi Baker - who is from OZ, I love to visit this blog - she does some amazing work! Thank you Debbie for sharing your art with us - keep up the great work!

6. Annette Husband - also from OZ, I know Annette from Chunky Book Artists and she is an amazing artist - a blog I often love to visit - She too is so deserving of this award, thanks Annette for sharing your art with us all!

7. Maggie Grabowski - Maggie in the USA is another blog I often visit - she is a lovely lady who creates gorgeous art - Thanks Maggie for letting us into your world of 'Art'

It was hard to just pick 7 - I wanted to give this award to so many others, but I hope that the bloggers above appreciate this award as much as I did receiving it - thanks again Martina!!

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